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Commercial Cannabis Farm Program

Commercial Cannabis Farm Program

   This Program will help you get your farm launched, harvests under your belt and the money flowing. We provide you the tools you need to get your own profitable cannabis farm running successfully or help you upgrade your existing grow facility to double your yields. Call us today!









Proven Industry Best Results. 





 NEW! Optic LED Master Controller

- Automated Sunrise and Sunset Feature will save you up to 25% on electricity

- Manual Dimmer Controls: Precision control over your light intensity at any time.

           Optimized Yield Program

             Included is 3 years of the Optimized Yield Program gives you support from our team of lighting professionals with decades of industry experience in several countries. We help you get the best yields of boutique quality bud utilizing the latest in high yielding LED Technology. We help you set up a plan from Day 1 based upon what the top cultivators are doing in the industry today. Optic LED Commercial Lighting guarantees you Industry best return on upfront investment & by the far the lowest operating costs. 




                     The Commercial Team 




Here are the Top Lights Used By our Commercial Farms in 2020. 





Dimmable COB LED Grow Lights

Optic 8+ NextGen - Yields Up to 3.06lbs 


Dimmable Vertical Farming Flower Lights

Slim 600H - 600 watt - 3.0 Umols/j

Slim 480H - 480 watt - Samsung Horticulture LEDs


Vertical Farming VEG Lights     ( Dimmable)

#1 Slim 320H VEG                                  #2 Optic 300 VEG


Top 2 LED Grow Lights for 4x4 Area




Optic 8+ Commercial Cultivation


Hicksford Farms (Durant, Oklahoma)

Optic 8 Flower Room - Perpetual Grow

Hicksford Farms - Multiple Rooms of Optic 8+ - 

Some Strains Yield as much as 3lbs per Light per harvest.

Trellis Netting Over the Canopy of each 4foot wide Row to Support the 

thick heavy colas that the 500 watt Optic 8+ Produces. 

Optic 8+ Flower Room in Action

See how the Optic 8+ Finishes in Flower with all those Deep Reds & UV

Follow on Instagram @HicksfordfarmsOK


click here to see all Hicksford Farms Videos


Hicksford Farms VIDEOS

August 2020 - Hicksford Farms

Optic 8+ Commercial Grow @Hicksford Farms in Oklahoma - Videos 

 Hicksford farms Optic 8+ Harvest Video

 Hicksford farms Optic 8+ Harvest VIDEO

 The Lucky Llama Farms

Monkey Guru - Commercial Cannabis Farm in California

Tetrad Farming CO - Optic 8+ Commercial Farm

E5 Farms - Optic 6 Gen3 + HPS + Optic 8+



Optic 8+ Perpetual Grow with Harvest every 2 weeksSouthern Oklahoma Bud - Optic 8+ Flower Room


Top Shelf Farms - Canadian Cannabis Collective - Optic 8+ Grow


VEG Rooms

Call us today for specifics on what your options are for VEG.


#1 Best Choice - New! Slim 320H VEG


 #2 Best Choice - Optic 300VEG

 HicksFord Farms - Vertical Farming VEG Room 4' 8' Vertical Beds 





#3 Best Choice - Optic 2 VEG 

 Optic 2 VEG gen3 -  McClam Griffith & Assoc. Farms

McClam Griffith & Assoc Farms - Optic 2 VEG room 

Optic 2 VEG Room Getting Clones and seedlings started.


Interested in Starting a Commercial Cannabis Grow Facility,  Click here



971-704-2912              or



Click 1 of the farm names below to see some of our the Optic LED Farms. 


Hicksford Farms  (Optic 8+ , Slim 600h & Optic 300 VEG)

Monkey Guru - California ( Optic 8+, Optic 8+ NextGen)

Lucky Llama Farms - (Optic 8+) 00

Tetrad Farming CO - (Optic 8+ )

E5 Farms - (Optic 8+ & Optic 6 Gen3)

Local Leaf Growers - Slim 600h & Optic 300VEG

Happy Hemp Farmacy - Tennessee CBD - Optic 6

Southern Oklahoma Bud (Optic 8+ & Optic 2VEG)

Okie Highland Cannabis Farms (Optic 8+)

Central Bud WholeSale Company (Optic 8+ & Optic 2VEG)

McClam Griffith & Assoc Farms (Optic 8+ & Optic 2 VEG)

W&H Farms (Optic 8+ & Optic 300VEG)

Grady Co Farms (Optic 8+)

Sheets MM Farms (Optic 8+ & Optic 6)

M&J Craft Cannabis (Optic 8+ & Optic 300VEG)

Elevated Relief - Optic 4XL