#1) Optic LED Headquarters
11921 Canyon Rd.
Puyallup, WA 98373
We serve customers from all countries around the world here!
Mon - Saturday 6:00 AM-5:00 PM (PST)
Call Customer Service # - 253-881-1355
Call Sales 8AM-5PM (PST) # - 253-881-1355
Email Sales: Sales@OpticLEDGrowLights.com
Call Optic LED Commercial - 971-704-2912
Optic LED Commercial - CommercialGrower@opticLEDGrowLights.com
Videos: Coming Soon!
Pictures: - Main Entrance to the Optic LED showroom
- You can See lights in the showroom through the front windows
Front of Building & Parking lot
- Side Entrance
Optic LED store Lit up at Night by Solar LED Fixtures
- This is a picture of LED Back Lit Company Sign at night