Optic 4XL vs Optic 8+ Side by Side Grow Series
This side by side grow has been dubbed the "Battle of the Dimmable COBs". Its a full video documented grow series including harvest results featuring 2 grows with Optic 8+ and 1 grow with Optic 4XL. The highlights with this side by side grow is definitely the bud quality and the big harvests considering only 4 plants under each light and only a short 5 week veg time with 2 of the 3 grows.
Grow#1) Optic 8+ Grow in a 5x5 (1.5m) Grow Space
VEG Time: 3 Month
Plant Count: 4
Final Yield: 2.29 lbs
Grow#2) Optic 8+ Grow in a 4x4 (1.2m) Grow Space
VEG Time: 1 Month
Plant Count: 4
Final Yield: 1.68
Grow#3) Optic 4XL Grow in a 4x4 (1.2m) Grow Space
Veg Time: 1 Month
Plant Count: 4
Final Yield: 1.46
All 3 Grows, Optic 8+ 5x5, Optic 8+ 4x4 & Optic 4XL 4x4
Inspecting the Harvest after Drying & Curing - side by side grow (August 2019)
Dry Weight Harvest Results (July 2019)
Optic 8+ 5x5 Harvst Results (July 2019)
Optic 8+ 5x5 Harvest Video (Side by Side Grow)
Optic 4XL vs Optic 8+ Harvest Video June 2019 (WestCoast Cannabis) .
Optic 8+ vs Optic 4XL (Wk#10 Flower) Side by Side Grow
Week#9 / Day#67 Flower (wk9) - Side by Side Grow Optic 8+ vs Optic 4XL
Side by Side Grow Day#59 (Week8) Side by Side Grow
Side by Side Grow - Optic 4XL vs Optic 8+ Day#52 (Week8 Flower)
Side by Side Grow Day#43 Flower (Wk7 Day1) Battle of the Dimmable COBs grow series
(WestCoast Cannbis with Optic LED)
Side by Side Grow Day#29 Flower (week5 day1) (WestCoast Cannbis with Optic LED)
Optic 4XL vs Optic 8+ / Day#26 Flower (Side by Side Grow)
Optic 4XL vs Optic 8+ / Day#21 Flower (Side by Side Grow)
Optic 4XL vs Optic 8+ / Day#17 Flower (Side by Side Grow)
Optic 4XL vs Optic 8+ / Day 11 Flower (Side by Side Grow)
Optic 4XL vs Optic 8+ (Side by Side Grow)
Optic 4XL vs Optic 8+ (Side by Side Grow)
Side by Side Grow 4XL vs 8+ (WestCoast Cannbis with Optic LED)
Optic 4XL vs Optic 8+ (Side by Side Grow)