Mexico Sees Legalization As A Possibility In 2021

Cannabis law reform in North America has mad huge progress in the last 5 years with USA states changing their laws 1 by 1 now having the majority and with Canada legalizing federally but the spot light usually isn't on Mexico. That too is changing as Legalization is looking likely to happen in 2021 potentially becoming a huge cannabis market overnight giving competition to both Canada's and USA's global market in the future.
In 2018 Mexico Supreme Court found the Cannabis Prohibition Laws to be unconstitutional. What followed was slow movement in policy change but now things are starting to pick up pace. Recently the health minister of Mexico published new regulations for medical cannabis which were agreed to by President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador which gives rules for cultivation and medical studying.
In 2020 a deadline for the decriminalize of cannabis was order to proceed by the Senate before April 30, 2021. This would allow citizens to grow 4 plants at home and possession of up to 28 grams would be allowed. Also this would allow Cannabis licensing and and sales framework for legalization.
But the question then turns to how will the Cartels react?
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