3.75 UMOLS/J !! NEW Samsung LH 351H V2 are here !!
Big Upgrade to Samsung LH351H V2 LEDs
All Optic LEDs have been officially upgraded from the new Samsung Horticulture specific LH351H V2 LEDs which are 3.75 umols/j from the previous generation LH351H V1 LEDs which are 3.1 umols/j. That means the new V2 Diodes are producing 20% More Light overall with the same amount of wattage which is absolutely incredible.
Take a Look on Samsung's Website to see the full specs.
As of April 1st 2021 we began using the new Samsung LH351H version 2 Diodes on the following models.
1) Slim 650S
2) Slim 600S
3) Slim 600h gen2
4) Slim 500S
5) Slim 320S
6) Slim 100
7) Slim 100 Bloom Enhancer
8) Phatslim One & 1XL
9) Gmax 150