Vote On Legalization In 5 States
Last election in 2016 the USA saw a huge Green Wave of legalization as 8 out 9 states had passed their proposed new laws around Cannabis but 4 years later will we see another wave? The Cannabis industry and supporters are definitely hoping so as 5 new states will be going to the ballots over new medical cannabis and new recreational laws.
If passed these new laws would definitely help the tipping of the old stigma around Cannabis all around the country, already the states that have passed medical and recreational laws are now the majority with 33 states that legalized medical use and 11 states that legalized recreational use.
More legal states mean more opportunities for entrepreneurs and more jobs opening up for the average person along with new tax revenue for the states. Insiders are predicting big growth in the market as 2019 brought in $15 Billion and expected to grow to $30 Billion in 2024. With support rising every year for legalization reform and the acceptance within society, growth in this industry will continue into the future.
The 5 states voting on the new cannabis laws are
ARIZONA - People in Arizona will again be voting on Legalization of Recreational Cannabis as it failed to pass 4 years ago when 51.3% of voters voted no. With it being so close last time many believe that this is the year that it will pass.
NEW JERSEY - Law makers here have recently been trying to pass legislation to legalize recreational cannabis but were not able to find the support to get it passed so they decided to go another route and leave it up to the voters. If it passes adults 21 and older will be able to access recreational cannabis and the program will be regulated by the same body that regulates the Medical Cannabis program.
SOUTH DAKOTA - Here they will be voting on legalization of Medical Cannabis 1st before trying to legalize recreational use which is said to be following soon after.
MONTANA - 2 Initiative will be on the ballot for the people of Montana. One will be for legalization of adults to posses, buy and use cannabis and the other will be for establishing age of use of 21 that will be allow. Taxation will also be voted on.
MISSISSIPPI - 2 competing cannabis initiatives will be voted on here to legalize medical use of cannabis. One being a put forth by a citizen petition to allow physicians to recommend medical cannabis for approved ailments. The other initiative will be for medical grade products, limiting smoking and leaving future frame work open for changes.
I believe we are seeing a gradual take over of states that say yes on legislation compared to those that say no and its only a matter of time when soon all states have reformed cannabis laws forcing the federal government to finally listen to what the people want on this matter
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